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Assurance of Learning

Assurance of Learning Committee

Assurance of Learning Process

The Assurance of Learning (AOL) process enables the regular and meaningful reporting of the direct assessment measures of all degree programs offered in the colleges. The AOL is characterized by a highly rigorous mechanism and a comprehensive system of procedures. AOL committee regularly audits all courses subject to assessment and validates the aptness of the assessment methods for the courses subject to assessment in the upcoming semester. Following establishment of the learning competencies and objectives of our college, there are five steps involved in the implementation of the AOL process.

Step 1: Aligning curriculum with program Learning competencies

Step 2: Constructing assessment methods aligned with each rubric

Step 3: Collecting data

Step 4: Analyzing learning outcomes

Step 5: Taking action to improve the curriculum by “closing the loop”

Learning Competencies

Goals Matrix

Learning Goals
PhD in Business and Finance
PhD in Economics and Statistics
Goal A
Students possess critical thinking capability in business and management issues.
Students possess critical thinking capability in advanced business and management issue.
Students possess professional knowledge in business management at a high-level.
Students possess professional knowledge in business management at a high-level.
Goal B
Students are able to be effective communicators
Students are able to be effective communicators.
Students possess the interdisciplinary and research analytic ability in business management.
Students possess the capability for quantitative research and innovation.
Goal C
Students have professional concepts and attitudes of ethics.
Students are able to demonstrate awareness of business ethics and social responsibility.
Students possess domain knowledge in planning and decision-making skills.
Students possess global academic vision.
Goal D
Students possess interdisciplinary capabilities and problem-solving skills, supported by appropriate analytical techniques.
Students possess the abilities to integrate interdisciplinary expertise and solve problems by leveraging information technology.
Students possess communication ability in International and professional field.
Students possess the ability to integrate interdisciplinary research resources by using information technology.
Goal E
Students are able to have a global perspective.
Students are able to have a global perspective.

College of Business

Address:No. 100, Wenhua Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City, 407102 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel: +886-4-2451-7250, ext.4005​​


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