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Assurance of Learning



Assurance of Learning


Strategies to Recruit and Retain Diverse Learners

(1)    Admissions Policies and Processes

Students who want to enroll in our university can pursue one of four types of admission. The first one is special achievement-based admission, which increases the diversity of students by attracting students with special talents, experiences, and achievements and considering disadvantaged and local students in the region where the university is located. The second one is multi-star project, which emphasizes balancing regional, urban, and rural schooling opportunities and promoting admissions from nearby high school. The third one is personal application, which emphasizes the right talent for the right place; Students enroll in our university based on their academic history, multiple performances, or the university’s own selection program. The last one is the allotment program, which is admission via success on the national entrance examination.

Figure 3.7 shows that most of our students are admitted via personal application, followed by the multi-star project and allotment program, respectively, and finally special achievement-based admission. This figure also confirms the diversity of students in our university.

Our university actively develops partnerships with high-quality foreign universities and conducts separate admissions for international students, international joint recruitment fairs, and joint recruitment fairs for students from Hong Kong, Macao, and overseas Mongolian and Tibetan students. The number of students enrolled through these channels is detailed in the table below. In addition, we offer full English-taught programs to provide a learning environment in which English is used as the common language to teach professional subjects and offer high-quality learning environments to international students. Currently, our BIBA and Master's programs in International Trade are fully taught in English, and this year we have also offered full English-language courses for core subjects, recorded full English-language problem-solving instructional videos, and hired full-time teaching assistants with English teaching abilities to support foreign students in their studies.

(2)    Learner Demographics and Enrollment Trends

The following chart shows the annual enrollment figures of our college. The total population of the College of Business and Finance is 6,485 students in the undergraduate program and 1,147 students in the graduate program in the 2022 academic year. Figure 3.8 shows that most international students enrolled in the College of Business and Finance come from Asia, with a total of 81.7% accounting for our government’s New Southbound Plan.

Figure 3.7. Admissions Policies and Processes

Figure 3.8. Overseas Students Distribution in AY2022


Progression and Degree Completion

Our university has adopted a Student Midterm Learning Assessment Early Warning System. We ask that all course instructors complete the warning action in the online classroom in order to improve the learning effectiveness of students who are performing poorly. The system considers students’ midterm exam results, regular assessments, and attendance records. By clicking on the warning target, students can be informed of their learning status. This also enables learning mentors to provide guidance to students who have been warned to help them understand the root of their problems and strengthen their weak areas.

Our university provides various counseling measures for students who have been warned, including:

1.Offering themed intensive courses and remedial teaching courses. For weaker areas in integrated subjects or content that requires strengthening before the midterm exam, we coordinate with teachers, teaching assistants, and doctoral students to offer intensive or remedial courses in the evening hours. We also encourage course instructors to develop online learning materials for remedial courses using the online classroom.

2.Providing Learning Center academic counseling. Every Monday through Thursday night, the integrated curriculum department arranges for full-time teaching assistants or postgraduate students with problem-solving abilities to provide learning counseling in the Learning Center (Fuxing Campus, Female Dormitory, B1), the Student Learning Support Center (Zhongqin Building, B1), or the Course Counseling Room.

3.Launching the Honor Little Teacher Volunteer Team. By matching peers to motivate learning, departments can assist students in solving academic problems.

4.Learning mentor withdrawal counseling. Using a student’s learning history record, mentors can understand the student’s learning status through interviews. If students cannot improve their learning through remedial teaching or referral to teaching assistants, within four weeks after the midterm exam, mentors can provide counseling for them to withdraw from courses that have a greater impact on their grades.

We hope that by providing effective counseling measures through the warning system, we can strengthen students' learning effectiveness, understand and solve the difficulties encountered in their studies, and reduce the number of dropouts.

By providing effective counseling measures through the warning system, we can strengthen students’ learning effectiveness, understand and solve the difficulties encountered in their studies, and reduce the number of dropouts.

Career Development Support

Our school has a Career Development Center that considers the goals and aspirations of each student, determines their needs, connects them to resources, and provides guidance and advice to assist every student who is still exploring potential career directions. We work with students to set initial goals during their academic journey. Our career counseling services include career consultation, career aptitude tests, professional internships, and job-matching services.

(1) Career Consultation: Our career development professionals and mentors help students integrate their personal characteristics with the requirements of the workplace, understand their career development conditions and future visions, and provide advice on course and professional elective planning based on their traits and aptitude test results.

(2) Career Aptitude Tests:We use the MAPA composite dimension personality test and the UCAN employment competency platform test to help students understand their personality, interests, abilities, and values and plan a career path that suits them.

(3) Professional Internships: Each academic department provides credit-bearing internships during the semester, summer, academic year, or winter break to help students experience and integrate into the workplace as early as possible. Short-term internships during the winter and summer breaks must be supervised by a company mentor. We collaborate with learning mentors on campus to periodically visit and understand students’ internship content and job performance, providing guidance and assistance. Some departments, such as the Department of Cooperative Economics and Social Entrepreneurship, even hold internship performance presentations, inviting companies and university faculty and students to participate.

Our college organizes an industry–academia alliance and actively seeks domestic and international industry–academia cooperation opportunities to promote the establishment of a student internship matching platform. We have designed a 6+1+1 undergraduate program and a 2+1+1 master’s program to provide professional knowledge training for six semesters and two semesters, respectively, and to promote a semester of industry–academia cooperation courses and a semester of enterprise internships. We aim to cultivate talents that meet the needs of the industry. Please refer to the attachment for statistics on students applying for internships in recent years.

To enhance the effectiveness of student internships, our college not only offers enterprise internship prerequisite courses, but also arranges internship mentors to monitor students’ internships at any time. We also conduct indirect measures such as employer surveys to ensure the quality of student internships.

(4) Online and Offline Job Matching: We offer both physical and online job-matching services, systematically planning opportunities for our master’s students and alumni in a wide range of job fields, including large and small businesses, government agencies, and non-profit organizations, to help them pursue their desired careers.

Academic Program Quality Post-Graduation Success

(1)    Student Retention rate and On-Time Graduation Rate:

The retention rate is commonly used to evaluate students’ learning performance. Our college calculates the retention rate according to the Ministry of Education’s regulations, which involves dividing the number of second-year students in the current academic year by the number of first-year students enrolled in the previous academic year. The average retention rate for our college 's undergraduate day programs exceeds 95%, which is significantly higher than the national average of 90% for higher education institutions in Taiwan. This indicates that our students have a high level of learning stability.


The on-time graduation rate refers to the percentage of students who complete their studies and graduate within the expected timeframe; it is an important indicator of the quality of education provided by a school or university. A high on-time graduation rate indicates that the institution provides sufficient academic support and guidance to help students complete their studies within the expected timeframe. Our college calculates the on-time graduation rate by dividing the number of students who graduate within the expected timeframe by the actual number of incoming students. In the 2021 academic year, our college’s average on-time graduation rate for undergraduate students was 89.96%; over the past three years, the graduation rate has shown a rising trend.








(2)  The number of students pursuing dual degrees

The number of students pursuing dual degrees at our university between the 2018 and 2022 academic years totaled 814. On average, about 200 students apply to pursue a dual degree each year, and the number of students who have obtained dual degrees has reached 532. The countries in which students earned their degrees have included the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Russia, and South Korea (please refer to Figure 3.11 for a breakdown of graduation rates by country). The decrease in the number of students in the 2020 academic year was due to travel restrictions during by the pandemic. However, as the pandemic situation improved in the 2021 academic year, there was a trend of increasing numbers of students pursuing dual degrees.

(3)    Certification or Licensure Exam Results


Our students have excellent performance in their abilities outside of their academic studies. From the 2018 to 2022 academic years, a total of 2,323 students from our university passed foreign language proficiency exams reaching at least the CEF B1 level. The General Scholastic Ability Test (GSAT) is a national exam in Taiwan that garners a lot of attention from the public. Our university has the highest number of successful GSAT test-takers among private universities, and from the 2018 to 2022 academic years, a total of 38 of our students passed the civil service exam and are now working in government agencies. In addition, a total of 2,711 students from our university obtained professional licenses between the 2018 and 2022 academic years.

(4)    Career Paths After Graduation

Our university conducts regular surveys targeting our graduates. Every year, we conduct follow-up surveys of graduates who have completed their studies for one, three, and five years earlier, respectively, in order to understand their post-graduation situation and verify the effectiveness of our teaching. The analysis has revealed that the our students’ employment rate of our students increases each year as the number of years after graduation increases. The following chart shows the employment tracking statistics for 2022:

Figure 3.14. Student Retention rate

Figure 3.10. On-Time Graduation Rate

Figure 3.16. Number of students enrolled in a dual degree program

Figure 3.17. Distribution of graduation country

Figure 3.18. Career paths after graduation


College of Business

Address:No. 100, Wenhua Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City, 407102 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel: +886-4-2451-7250, ext.4005​​


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